Accountability Committee
Springfield School District is looking to add members to our District Accountability Committee (DAC) Those stakeholders that are interested in serving in this capacity may complete the form attached to the link below and return it to the District office. Requests were sought in April 2024. The board officially appointed the following members at the monthly October board meeting.
Julie Benge - Community member; Aaron Close - Business owner; Tanisha Hinds - Staff member; Dustin Hume - Parent; Jerri-Ann Montoya - Administration Liason; Andrea Keenan - Board Liason; Jamie Smith - Parent; Katie Shaw - Parent; Shawnee Wait - Parent.
District/School Accountability Committees are responsible for making recommendations to their local school boards concerning priorities for spending district and federal funds, making recommendations concerning the preparation of the district’s Performance, Improvement, Priority Improvement, or Turnaround plan (whichever is applicable), and cooperatively determining other areas and issues to address and make recommendations upon. The committee is also responsible for reviewing and making recommendations for the school's Wellness Policy. The committee may be used to review other areas such as handbooks, policies, proposed calendars, etc.
The committee will meet at a minimum quarterly from 4:15 p.m. - 5:15 p.m