If you have any questions, feel free to call us at 523-6920.

Debbie Sharpe

Preschool Director/ECSE
Kristen Schmidt

PS ECTeacher
Andrew Shumate

Preschool Paraprofessional
More Information is Available Below!
Springfield Preschool Parent Letter

Universal Preschool

Published: 02/08/2023
Universal PreSchool for Colorado children is rolling out statewide in Fall 2023. Springfield Preschool will be a participating agency for your child to enroll. This site is designed to help you know more about the program and how to register.
UPK is designed for students aged 4 to receive education at a minimal cost to families for up tp 15 hours weekly. PK providers are not required to participate, but Springfield’s program is registered with the state. Once a family applies at the UPK website, providers must determine if space, time, and staff are available to serve the student.
Some 3-year-old students will also be accepted into the programming statewide. The application process is the same as listed above. Students with disabilities will be the highest priority for providers to ensure educational services.
There is an application that families will fill out at the UPK Colorado website. This website is beneficial for all the information you may need.
Website: https://cdec.colorado.gov/colorado-universal-preschool
The initial step to applying for UPK is to create an account at the website listed above. Once created, the account will guide you through the application process. Springfield invites parents and families to know more and receive support for the process at the following times/events.
Springfield application support details:
Thursday, March 30, 2023, 6:30-7:30 PM @ Springfield High School 475 4th Avenue (new building). Childcare and snacks will be provided.