WE ARE LONGHORNS! Keep your school spirit strong. Show your Longhorn pride on Monday, April 6. Use #spre4spirit.
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
#BeTheLightCO: SHS will turn on the lights at Rick Hartley Track and Aaron Hale Field, every Thursday from 8:00 to 8:15 p.m.as a symbol of hope and support for our students and community. Be safe and stay well Springfield! @CHSAA
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
Virtual State Science Fair today! Students who advanced to the state science fair had the option of competing virtually. Here is a picture of David in his virtual interview. The judge in the lower left corner looks pretty critical. Good luck, David!
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Science Fair
Rayne decided to take home bound learning to a new level with a service project. She is sewing masks for her mom who works in the LTCC. That is LONGHORN SPIRIT! Share your spirit. Send pictures to ginger.walker@spre4.org
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Making masks
Jaselynn learned to make good old fashioned bread. Looks yummy, Jaselynn! Let's stay connected! Send pictures of your unique learning experiences to ginger.walker@spre4.org
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Stirring up the dough.
Finished Product
Remember all of those days you asked your teacher if you could have class outside? Today is your day! Satchel has taken his reading outside to the hammock. What does your "classroom" look like? Send pictures to ginger.walker@spre4.org
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
By order of the governor, school will remain closed until April 30th. We will continue our remote learning plans. Stay safe and be well.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
SPRINGFIELD JR/SR HIGH SCHOOL ROCKS!!!! Over 90% completion rate home bound! Way to go students and families! Keep up the good work! If you are experiencing problems please reach out. kyle.lasley@spre4.org or 529-9030.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
Madison learned about arranging flowers last week. Great job! Brother Hudson seems to approve. How are you expanding your home bound learning? Send a picture to be posted to ginger.walker@spre4.org
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Madison's floral arrangement
Way to go Springfield faculty and staff!!! Best group of educational professionals in the state! Keep up the good work!
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
Thank you Sheila, Bonnie and Mason for feeding us all week. Super Heroes in our book!!”.
almost 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Census 2020
almost 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Parents: Mr. Lasley will be at the JR/SR High School at 10 a.m. Tuesday March 31st if your student is needing textbooks or materials.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
Tips for Home Based Learning - We have supplied some helpful links for parents and teachers alike during our Home Based Learning experience! Feel free to use the link https://thrillshare.com/s/documents-springfield-re4/browse/113266 Links also available at www.spre4.org
almost 5 years ago, Mark Ricker
Message to parents about homeschooling by Lisa Grahn. https://youtu.be/YvX_-GZzWGg
almost 5 years ago, Mark Ricker
Get all Springfield schools notifications: search "springfield school district re-4" to download the app.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
We are changing our remote learning delivery to be entirely online. Please check emails from teachers beginning Monday. As of now food program will continue. There will be no packet exchange on Monday.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
Home Bound learning, not necessarily at home. Drew, Daniel, and Emma took their PE class outside! They learned about golfing with their grandparents. Send your adventures in learning to ginger.walker@spre4.org and look for them here.
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Home Bound PE