We Have A Special Message For Our Elementary Dear Springfield Elementary... https://youtu.be/_ZFpGEKxadc
almost 5 years ago, Mark Ricker
#spre4spirit honorable mention - Goode family, Pueblo West
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Go Longhorns!
#spre4spirit student winners - Alexis Crane and Hudson and Madison Crane. Go Horns!
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Heart of a Longhorn
Showing our colors
#spre4spirit winners - local business Baca Home Care Agency
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Longhorn Pride
#spre4spirit winners Arbuthnots best yard display and house decoration
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
We are Longhorns!
Rayne and her grandmother Kim traveled to Springfield Cemetery to learn about the impact of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic on Southeast Colorado. What a great learning opportunity, Rayne!
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Rayne learns about the last pandemic to impact Colorado
During last week's beautiful weather, Jarrett learned a little about landscaping as he helped to prepare his family's yard for grass seed. Hang on, Jarrett!
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Jarrett learns about landscaping
In the state of Colorado, Springfield High School stands so proud. With banners waving red and white we will sing our praises loud. With glory and with honor as the years go swiftly by, we will pause to pay our tribute, to you, our Springfield High.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
Home school art class.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
Home school Easter party at the Chenoweths!
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
SECH and all area healthcare workers, thank you for being the front line of defense in this pandemic. We appreciate you facing daily peril to keep our community safe. Please know your selfless acts of valor do not go unnoticed. You are all great examples for the young people in our community.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
Kaidan is trying some egg experiments for science this week. What an egg-cellent idea for expanding your learning Kaidan!
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Egg-ceptional learning!
Mrs. Viney, Lily and Laurel took advantage of some of the recent beautiful weather by taking their learning to Picture Canyon. They were able to get some fresh air, see some interesting things, and write in their journals. Great job!
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
A day at Picture Canyon
Mrs. Birdsong’s 2nd graders are learning about the stars and the sky. Braylee captures the super pink moon in a cool way! Way to go Braylee!
almost 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Learning through art. Kenna made sun catchers to celebrate beautiful Baca County sunshine. Alexis expressed her frustration and disappointment on canvas. The bright colors representing what senior year could have been, washed away by tears.
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Kenna's suncatchers
Not what we thought it would be.
Mrs. McGrew 2nd Graders learning via Zoom. Gavin's Mom commented about how fun it was hearing the giggles.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
#spre4spirit scowled the Principal with furrowed brow.
almost 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
SPIRIT DAY! Show some Longhorn pride. Post a picture on any social media network. Use #spre4spirit. Prizes!!! Fight on, Longhorns, Fight on!
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
Don't forget that tomorrow is Spirit Day! Show your spirit, use #spre4spirit. Prizes will be awarded at all age levels for most spirited and most creative. WE ARE LONGHORNS!
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker
SAT School Day Testing Governor Polis announced that he is extending the suspension of in-person learning through April 30. The spring 2020 school day administration of the SAT is also suspended. CDE is working with College Board for a possible fall administration.
almost 5 years ago, Ginger Walker