Longhorns take 16-7 lead at the end of the first qtr.
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Horns take 8-7 lead over Wiley
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
LadyHorns sweep Wiley.
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
LadyHorns take 2sets to 0 lead over Wiley
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Don’t forget the Hr class Chili Supper
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
JV. VB begins the final stages of 2019 Homecoming. Go LadyHorns. Come on out and join us.
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Homecoming VB vs. Wiley begins at 4:00 Homecoming FB vs. Wiley begins at 7:00 Come out and support the Longhorns
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Home vb. Fb
Day #4
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Day 4
Home opener for the Longhorns tonight.
over 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
Go Horns !!!
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
 Go horns
We got spirit yes we do!!
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
A star is born!
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Jesse’s version of Big Bad John
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Talent show 2019
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Jr High FB going on now. Go Horns!
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
JH VB gets homecoming events off and rolling
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Jh vb
Homecoming 2019
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Thank you SHS Pep Band for getting the elementary day off to an exciting start. GO LONGHORNS!!
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Pep band thks
Impromptu homecoming hallway pep assemblies are the best!
over 5 years ago, Kyle Lasley
Day #3. What’s happening?
over 5 years ago, Richard Hargrove
Day 3