Longhorns take 16-7 lead at the end of the first qtr.

Horns take 8-7 lead over Wiley

LadyHorns sweep Wiley.

LadyHorns take 2sets to 0 lead over Wiley

Don’t forget the Hr class Chili Supper

JV. VB begins the final stages of 2019 Homecoming. Go LadyHorns. Come on out and join us.

Homecoming VB vs. Wiley begins at 4:00
Homecoming FB vs. Wiley begins at 7:00
Come out and support the Longhorns

Day #4

Home opener for the Longhorns tonight.

Go Horns !!!

We got spirit yes we do!!

A star is born!

Jesse’s version of Big Bad John

Talent show 2019

Jr High FB going on now. Go Horns!

JH VB gets homecoming events off and rolling

Homecoming 2019

Thank you SHS Pep Band for getting the elementary day off to an exciting start. GO LONGHORNS!!

Impromptu homecoming hallway pep assemblies are the best!

Day #3. What’s happening?